Simon Osborne
History Pitt
Historical Talks in Full Costume
with Authentic Artefacts and Props

Talks can be on various historic subjects. Current talks include Men's Fashions 1780 to 1950 charting the evolution of varying elements of gentlemen's attire, particularly focusing on Hats, Coats, and Waistcoats.
The History of British Policing mid 1700s to mid 1900s showing the development from London's Bow Street Runners to the Metropolitan Police and other Constabularies, focusing on equipment, uniforms, and crimes.
The Home Front which focuses on the role of those in Britain during World War II such as Air Raid Wardens, the Home Guard, and civilians. This particular talk is aimed at Schools and Education Groups, and would include themed activities.
The Arabian Nights - The real historical characters of this wonderful collection of stories, and the influence they had on British travellers of the late 1800s and early 1900s the story of three adventurers Sir Richard Francis Burton, T E Lawrence, and Gertrude Bell, how they left there mark, how the East influenced the West, and what we can still learn from this wonderful part of the World, and the Arabian Tales that inspired such people.
A Christmas Carol - The Origins and Writing of Charles Dickens' Christmas Classic tells the story of why Dickens felt compelled to write the novel in 1843, how he came up with the characters, and how it has influenced how we look at Christmas ever since. This Talk is offered in Late November and in December Only.
Blackadder - Behind the Scenes focusing on what it was like growing up in showbusiness, what led to me playing the role of Pitt the Younger in Blackadder, other roles that came afterwards, and how actual history compares to events portrayed in the series.
Charles Dickens - The Author, The Man New​​
This talk tells the story of the life of Charles Dickens from poverty-stricken childhood to successful author, his novels, his influences, his travels and his lasting influence.
I can also meet, greet and mingle with visitors in character to help promote an historical site or event.
Talks on any historical era or subject would be considered, so if there is a particular period or theme you would like to request a talk on please feel free to ask. Prices start at around £60 for a one hour talk followed by questions, and from around £120 up to around £150 for a full day depending on what structure you would wish the talks to take. For Schools and Child Education Groups an experienced assistant can facilitate educational based activities to complement the historical talks.
These would be within easy reach of the Cardiff area. Travelling further afield would be possible but prices would rise to reflect travel expenses and accommodation if necessary. All prices are negotiable, and depend on what type of structure you would like, so please feel free to use the Contact Form below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I am also offering Personalised Video Messages. Please select this page in the Menu at the top of the page for more details.

Past Experience
Past Roles
1981 to present day

Becoming a professional actor at the age of 10, I have played various roles over the years. Although I have Stage and Film experience most of my roles have been on Television, the best known of which is most likely the part of Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger in BBC TVs Blackadder.

Trained at the Sylvia Young Theatre School, I have always been aware of the importance of entertainment as an element to aid learning.
I have always had a love of History, gaining my BA (Hons) in History in my 40s, in order to take up a post in a busy museum. Here I gave talks to the public, schools, and private groups on various subjects, concentrating on the use of Swords within Britain from the Romans to the First World War, always with the aim to entertain as much as to inform.

Now, as well as a return to acting, I am offering my skills as a Performer and Historian in the form of talks. These can be for Schools, Historic Sites, or Private Groups, and although at first these are only being offered as 'In Person' sessions, I hope to be adding an online version soon.
History and Heritage
Performer - Historian

Simon Osborne - History Pitt
Performance - Entertainment -Education